How to Raise a Pug Dog

Pugs are adorable, toy-sized dogs that love to spend time with their owners and please them. Pugs can live up to 14 years, so it is important to understand how to care for them. Pugs have specific health concerns and are susceptible to certain types of infections; they also require more grooming than other dog breeds. Understanding and providing your pug̵7;s needs will give you an opportunity to enjoy this wonderful dog breed for many years to come.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • High quality dog food
  • Wire brush or brush mitt
  • Unscented baby wipes or damp cloth
  • Dog shampoo
  • Dog toothpaste
  • Pet toenail trimmers
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  1. General Care and Feeding

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      Visit the veterinarian. When you first get your pug, take it to the veterinarian for a general checkup and any necessary shots.

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      Purchase high quality dog food. Pugs should maintain a certain weight to remain healthy. They can become overweight when they are fed table scraps and the extra weight can result in hip dysplasia. Feed your pug a high quality dog food and do not overfeed.

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      Purchase a crate for your pug. Dogs, by nature, have an instinct to live in a ̶0;den.̶1; Although pugs desire a lot of interaction, they enjoy retreating to a space that is their own. A crate also makes house-training your pug easier.

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      Exercise your pug. Since pugs have short noses, they cannot tolerate intensive exercise; however, they do need exercise. Use a soft collar and walk your pug daily. These dogs get tired easily, so a short walk is sufficient. If your pug starts to breathe heavily or wheeze while on a walk, pick it up and carry it home.You can give your pug additional exercise with indoor play.

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      Keep your pug in the house. With the exception of outings like walks or car rides, your pug should be an indoor dog as it cannot tolerate extremely cold or hot temperatures. Keeping your pug indoors protects it from catching colds or overheating.


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      Brush your pug. Pugs have a double coat of hair with straight hairs on the top and soft, fluffy hair underneath. Use a wire brush or a brushing mitt to brush your pug daily, or at least every other day. Pugs shed less hair when they are brushed regularly.

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      Wipe your pug̵7;s face. The wrinkles in a pug's face can accumulate dirt and moisture which may result in bacteria overgrowth and infection. To prevent this, use unscented baby wipes or a damp cloth to keep the wrinkles cleaned out one to two times per week.

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      Clean your pug̵7;s ears. Use a moist cotton ball to wipe wax and dirt out of your pug̵7;s ears as needed.

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      Shampoo your pug and clip its nails. Your pug should be bathed once a month with a dog shampoo as human shampoos and dish detergents can dry the pug̵7;s skin out. Clip your pug̵7;s toenails once a month with a pet toenail trimmer.

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      Brush your pug̵7;s teeth. Pug̵7;s teeth and gums are prone to diseases; therefore, dental hygiene is important. Brush your pug̵7;s teeth two times a week with a child̵7;s soft-bristle brush and toothpaste that is formulated for dogs. Human toothpaste can make your pug sick.