Changes in Barometric Pressure & Dogs

Dogs often appear to have a sixth sense when it comes to the weather. This can be explained by the fact that dogs have the ability to detect changes in barometric pressure that humans cannot.
  1. Definition

    • Barometric pressure is the pressure of the atmosphere. A drop in barometric pressure can indicate the onset of a storm.


    • Dogs can learn to associate the changes in barometric pressure with storms. Some dogs may develop phobias or anxiety toward storms.


    • Dogs who suffer from thunderstorm phobia may exhibit nervousness by panting, pacing, salivating, whimpering or shivering.


    • If your dog exhibits thunderstorm phobia, a veterinarian may recommend sedatives. You can also train your dog to remain calm through desensitization.


    • In addition to associating changes in barometric pressure with storms, your dog may learn to associate changes in static electricity, darkening of the sky and rumbles in the ground with thunderstorms.