Play Nice
Before you take any steps toward ending your neighbor's dog's barking, take a deep breath and remember not to act in anger. You are much more likely to get results if you remain calm, collected, and nice.
Give your neighbor the benefit of the doubt, and assume that he or she does not realize the dog is making a ruckus. If a neighbor is at work all day, he or she may be unaware that the dog sits at home and barks all day. If the barking occurs while your neighbor is home, perhaps the person may not realize that you can hear the dog barking all the way over at your house.
If you like to avoid confrontation, consider sending an anonymous letter to your neighbor. Give the person a gentle reminder that the dog has been barking. This will ensure that your neighbor knows the dog is barking and that you can hear it. If you have a good relationship with the neighbor, you can speak directly to them. Be prepared for a negative or defensive reaction, however.
If this method does not seem to be working, you can try another letter--or conversation--that is a little more straightforward. Cite your city's noise ordinance laws, and let your neighbor know that his dog's barking is becoming a problem. Remain calm, but ask directly for him to put an end to the behavior.
You can also take things into your own hands and purchase an anti-barking device. These devices usually emit a high-frequency sounds when the dog barks, which could be effective at getting the dog to stop making such a fuss.
Get the Law on Your Side
If you have a landlord or homeowner's association, make sure to fill them in on what is going on. Make them get involved so you don't have to.
It is a good idea to begin keeping a log of the barking. Keep track of the dates, times, and lengths of the dog's barking. This will be especially useful if you decide to take the confrontation a step further and get law enforcement involved. File a complaint with animal control or the police department, depending on which division handles those types of complaints in your area. You may find better results if you provide copies of the letters you have sent, and a copy of your log.
Still not seeing results? Consider talking to a lawyer to see what options you have. A lawyer may help by sending the neighbor a legal letter explaining the situation, or may recommend that you take the neighbor to court. This should be a last resort, but it is an option you have if your neighbor is uncooperative. It sure beats having to move in order to find a little peace and quiet.
Remember to stay calm, do not act out in rage, and do not do anything illegal in order to stop your neighbor's barking.
What to Do When Your Neighbor's Dogs Bark Constantly
At first glance your neighbor's dog may seem cute, but its incessant barking will make it an unwelcome neighborhood pest in no time. Before you start pulling your hair out, remember that you have many options in order to put an end to the noise.