Are Mothballs Dangerous for Pets?

Mothballs are commonly used by homeowners to protect their clothing from damage caused by clothes moths. Though mothballs have proven to be very effective in this capacity, the volatile chemicals they contain can be harmful to both humans and pets if not used correctly.
  1. Function

    • Mothballs are used primarily to repel and kill moths and moth larvae, particularly the Tineola bisselliella moth, which consumes natural fibers used in clothing such as felt, leather and wool. Some people use mothballs to repel other pests such as mice, snakes and rats, though such use of the product is not only ineffective but illegal and dangerous as well.


    • There are two types of mothballs available for purchase, with each type using a different active ingredient. Most mothballs are now made with the chemical paradichlorobenzene as the primary ingredient, though it is still possible to purchase moth balls made from the chemical naphthalene, the chemical used in moth ball production for many years.


    • Both naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene are fumigant volatile chemicals. This means that the chemicals contained in the mothball will begin to vaporize into the air releasing a strong odor and fumes that will kill and repel pests.


    • The chemical fumes released by mothballs have proven to have serious health effects on both humans and pets when used improperly. Inhalation of mothball fumes can result in respiratory irritation and hemolytic anemia. Ingestion of mothballs by pets can cause kidney and liver damage, as well as gastrointestinal distress.


    • Mothballs should only be used according to the instructions provided on the product label to protect both pets and humans from the volatile chemicals they release. If you must use mothballs as a method of pest control, use a paradichlorobenzene-based product, as it is not as toxic as naphthalene-based mothballs.