Dog ownership can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a person's life. Dogs are typically loyal companions that, when cared for properly, can provide love and friendship for many, many years.
Caring properly for dogs requires a lot of attention. They need to be walked and will not bury their own feces in a convenient tub of sand. While cleaning up dog waste can be seen as one of the larger deterrents against dog-ownership, the actual logistics of waste removal are simple, and waste removal can be done very quickly.
Things You'll Need
- Plastic bag
- Trash can
Dog Waste Removal
Make sure your plastic bag does not have any holes in it. Pet stores sell small plastic bags and dispensers specifically for pet-waste management, but any plastic shopping bag will do.
Insert your hand into the plastic bag like a glove. Make sure the bag is large enough to easily accommodate your hand and to easily hold the amount of dog dirt you are about to place into it. If you are walking your dog, keep your dog leash in the opposite hand while you complete the task.
Reach down and, with the bag covering your hand, grasp the dog waste so that you can lift the pile off the ground. Be careful not to grasp it too tightly; it can start crumbling and falling apart.
Use your other hand to grab the open end of the bag. If you still have a leash in this hand, keep the leash around your wrist.
While still grasping the waste through the bag, pull your hand out and in the process, turn the bag inside out so the waste is now inside the bag and your hand is outside of it, with your other hand holding the top of the bag.
Dispose of the bag with the waste in the nearest trash can, or dump the waste down the toilet and throw the bag in the trash can separately. Wash your hands upon completion.