There has been controversy over the origin of dogs by biologist, but most concede that dogs are descendants of the Canis Lupus.
The American Kennel Club recognizes over 150 different breeds, but there are countless breeds that are yet to be discovered.
Upper Body
A snout on a dog is located below the eyes and above the nose. The snout consists of the teeth and tongue.
The shoulders on a dog will are aligned below the dewlap (throat, neck skin) and above the forefeet.
Lower Body
A dog's legs are connected to the thighs and hips and lead down to the forefeet and hind feet.
The hock is at the pivotal point of the leg. A dog uses the hock like a lever to move himself around.
Fun Fact
A dog's tongue reaches from its posterior attachment to the front of its jaw.
Body Parts of a Dog
Although breeds of dogs will consistently change, the body parts will essentially stay the same. The body parts of a dog are distinctive. Dogs have four toes per paw and have vestigial dewclaws (dog thumbs) on the front of their legs, sometimes the rear.