How to live with a High Energy Dog

Living with a high energy dog can be challenging. It's important to do your research before adopting any dog, but if you find yourself the parent of a high energy dog and desperate for help--keep reading.


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      Exercise that dog. The best way to mellow out a high energy dog is exercise. This means taking the dog for a walk in the morning and evening. If you have the time, walk your dog at mid-day also.

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      Take your dog to the dog park. Not only is this a great way to socialize your dog, but he'll tire himself out also. All that romping with four legged friends will be exhausting. When you get him home, he'll want to sleep for three or four hours.

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      Take your dog hiking, to the beach, and play Frisbee, tug-o-war and fetch. This is great exercise for you as well as him.

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      Crate train your high energy dog. Putting him in the crate for time-out may be the only way you'll get a little rest, or be able to cook dinner without interruptions.

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      Get another high energy dog to entertain and keep your present dog out of trouble. This works remarkably well and is a buffer against loneliness for your dog.