Why Does a Dog Bite its Nails?

Dogs bite their nails for a variety of reasons. If the biting is occasional, it shouldn't be a major concern, however if the nail biting is chronic and causing pain or bleeding, medical causes may be the answer.
  1. Boredom

    • Like humans, dogs will bite their nails out of boredom. A viable solution to this is to provide a chew toy. Bones and rawhide are similar in texture, but alleviate boredom more effectively by giving your dog a puzzle toy where a treat can be hidden inside.


    • If a dog is anxious or scared, she may bite her nails. This is often a chronic condition that requires veterinary care.

    Removal of Foreign Objects

    • A dog may chew his nails to remove foreign objects, such as dirt, that may cause pressure beneath the nail. Allow your dog to remove the object if it is not a harmful one and provide assistance if he cannot remove it, or the object is unsafe.

    Fungal Infection

    • Constant nail biting may signal a fungal infection of the nail bed. Seek veterinary assistance to eliminate this as a cause.


    • Allergies often manifest as itchiness in the feet and stomach. Because they cannot scratch the area, dogs may chew their nails, as well as the bottoms of their feet when they are having an allergic reaction.