What Kinds of Dogs Bark the Loudest?

All dogs bark loudly when excited or scared. Some dogs bark more often than others, but this largely a matter of training.
  1. Considerations

    • Loud barking, whether high and piercing or deep and roaring, irritates neighbors and burglars. You can teach your dog the former is a no-no while the latter is welcome.


    • An easy and effective way of judging a quiet breed of dog from a loud one is to not go by breed but by type. A dog's breed has to do with its looks. A dog's type has to do with the duties it was originally bred for.


    • Dogs bred to hunt or guard such as terriers and shepherds will bark more readily than dogs bred for companionship or leisure.


    • You can't judge a dog's bark by its size. Tiny poodles will yap with ear-splitting aggression if allowed. They've got bear hunter in them.


    • Coonhounds, beagles, spaniels, setters and pointers are hunting types with loud, resonant barks. Loud watchdogs include Dobermans, bulldogs, mastiffs, pit bulls and schnauzers.