Tips on Starting a Dog Treat Business

Pet businesses are booming as people choose to indulge their pets more. Gourmet dog treats are one such area of growing business, especially as people become wary of pet foods and treats that are filled with glutens and preservatives. This business is also easy to start up from home and has growth potential if you choose to open a shop.
  1. Starting Your Business

    • Any business must be started the same way: you must register your business with your local and state governments; obtain tax identification numbers from the IRS and your state revenue agency; and apply for applicable licenses and permits. This all depends on how big you want your business to be. If you are getting a shop, you will have to be licensed and have health inspections done depending on the requirements of your local and state governments. If you are baking from home, check with your local government about zoning restrictions and with your homeowners' association to be sure your neighborhood won't be put off by your enterprise.


    • Now you need to start finding recipes. Check on websites, especially pet forums, to see what other people have done or you can start inventing your own. Make sure all of the ingredients in your treats are not toxic to dogs. Peanut butter and meats are good; chocolate, onions and raisins are not. Your dogs will probably be thrilled when you start inventing your own; someone needs to taste-test, after all.

    Selling Your Treats

    • Of course, no business is successful if no one is buying the product. You will need attractive packaging, of which there are numerous choices depending on your budget. You can find everything from bags to baskets to place your dog treats in. After packaging, consider building a website from which people can order. You can also travel to local pet boutiques or head to pet conventions. Talk to veterinarian clinics, grooming salons and boarding kennels to see if they are willing to display your products in exchange for part of the profits. You may also be able to convince local cafes to offer your wares, if they are pet-friendly.