Recipe for Carpet Cleaning Solution for Dog Urine

As soon as you opened your home to a dog, you opened your life to the possibility that your carpets would be targeted with an occasional puddle of doggie urine. While there are plenty of commercial products at the local pet and carpet stores to help you out if that happens, a pet stain won't wait for you to shop. Having a recipe to solve your own dog urine crisis could save both the carpet and the day.
  1. Kitty Litter

    • As unlikely as it seems, the first ingredient for your dog urine removal problem is kitty litter. Scatter clumping kitty litter over the puddle to soak up the moisture. Then scoop the litter up and dispose of it (see "References" below).

      If you don't have kitty litter, use old towels. Blot up as much of the urine as possible. Step on the towels to make sure they soak up the urine not only from the carpet but also the pad underneath. When they aren't picking up any more, it's time for the carpet cleaning solution.

    White Vinegar and Powdered Laundry Detergent

    • Mix 1/2 cup powdered laundry detergent with 1/2 cup white vinegar. This dog urine carpet cleaning solution formula comes from the University of Maine Extension Service (see "References" below). White vinegar will neutralize the uric acid in urine. Dog urine contains water, ammonia, uric acid, and germs. After blotting up it up, you'll still have traces of uric acid. This will eventually crystallize, combining with the hydrogen and sulfur in ordinary household dust and dirt to release mercaptan gas. Use the solution to neutralize the uric acid and eliminate the possibility of the gas forming. Pour enough solution on the urine spot to soak completely through the carpet backing and pad to the floor. White vinegar also has antiseptic properties to sanitize your carpet and floor (see "References" below). Blot it up or remove it with kitty litter.

    Club Soda

    • The final step in cleaning urine-stained carpet, according to the University of Maine, is to blot up the vinegar and pour club soda on the damp area. Blot the club soda, and using a spray bottle, spritz the area with straight vinegar. Put down dry towels and cover them with something heavy so they soak up as much of the remaining moisture as possible.


    • You won't be certain that you solved your problem until your carpet is exposed to high humidity. Wait for a humid day to see if your carpet remains fresh. If the urine smell is noticeable, repeat the process.