What Can Dogs Do With Their Paws?

According to the American Kennel Club, there are over 160 different breeds of dogs, each with unique characteristics. Strong-willed or subdued, all dogs share one common trait -- the furry padded paw at the end of each leg.
  1. Sweat

    • Dogs sweat with their paws. There are small glands found in the pads of dogs that allow the dog to sweat.

    Sensitive Paws

    • Much like our feet, dogs paws are sensitive to the elements. Dogs may lift their paws a lot, almost like a dance, when walking on hot surfaces.

    Handy Paws

    • Dogs can shake with their paws, scratch or open doors, pull items towards them and hold prey captive.

    Swift Paws

    • Canines' paws allow them to run faster, longer, and make sharper turns than many other mammals.

    Plowing Paws

    • Dogs use their paws to dig. They like to bury bones and other treasures. They also might paw at their bed before lying down. This is a holdover from their wild days, when they would dig a hole in the dirt in order to keep warm at night.