The Best Dog Breed for People With Allergies

Dogs are an integral part of life for many people. Those who have dogs know just how important they are to humans. Those who don't have dogs may wonder why. When dogs and allergies meet, the result can often be heartbreaking. Finding the best dog breed for people with allergies can help canines and humans coexist more peacefully in your home.
  1. People and Dog Allergies

    • It is very important to note that people who have allergies to dogs do not truly have an allergy to the dog itself. They are actually allergic to dog dander, which is small flakes of dead skin that are found in the hair of the dog.

    Hairless Dogs and Allergies

    • Finding a dog that produces less dander is the trick. Because dander comes from the skin and not the hair, hairless dogs will be no easier on the senses. There are certain dogs that are noted for producing substantially less dander, and they can be better tolerated by people with pet allergies.

    The Maltese

    • Maltese dogs are one of the best dog breeds for people with allergies according to They are fairly high-maintenance when it comes to care of their long coat, but they shed very small amounts of hair and are great companions. As a rule, they produce substantially less dander than many other dog breeds.

    The Poodle

    • Poodles an especially popular favorite for allergy sufferers because they have little to no allergic effect. Miniature poodles, toy poodles and standard poodles are all good choices in such a case. Although their coats require a lot of care, the trade-off is often a welcome one for dog lovers with allergies.

    Dogs and Allergies Don't Have to Clash

    • Making the decision to have a dog is a big one. It is easy to fall in our love with our canine companions, and finding out that it is not possible to live well with that dog due to an allergy does not have to be the end of the world. The maltese and poodle are excellent breed choices for those with allergies, but they are just two of the best dog breeds out of several.

    Other Allergy Friendly Options

    • For those out there who are not fans of the Maltese or poodle options, here are some other dogs that have been known to be better for allergy sufferers.

      -Bichon Frise
      -Border Terrier
      -Irish Water Spaniel
      -Portuguese Water Dog
      -Yorkshire Terrier

      Remember that everyone is different. One person's allergies may react differently than another person's allergies do with the very same dog. The Dog Breed Info Center suggests you evaluate your allergic reaction with certain dogs on a case by case basis.