How to Get Rid of Dog Dander

Dogs are considered man's best friend but what happens if they contribute to your allergy symptoms? Dog dander, not fur, is the primary cause of allergic reactions. Even the dog breeds touted as "hypoallergenic" produce dander. Dander is dead skin cells that are shed from a dog's skin. When the dog rubs or scratches itself, the dander is released into the air, where it lands on clothing, furniture, carpet and other surfaces. If you want to reduce your allergy symptoms, it is important to know how to get rid of dog dander, especially if you do not want to get rid of your family pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner Face mask Wet mop Clean rags Rug steam cleaner HEPA air cleaner and purifier Anti-allergen moisturizing dog shampoo Dog brush Anti-allergen spray for dander control
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  1. Dander Removal Instructions

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      Vacuum your home several times a week, preferably with a HEPA vacuum cleaner, which has the ability to filter out many allergens stirred up in your carpets. Use the vacuum cleaner attachments to clean your upholstery and hard floor surfaces. Wear a face mask if you are using a regular non-HEPA vacuum cleaner as they tend to disburse dander and other allergens into the air.

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      Mop hard floor surfaces often with water or a surface appropriate floor cleaner at least twice a week. This will dampen the dander and prevent it from wafting through the air.

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      Wipe down floor boards, walls and furniture with damp, clean rags. Use a bucket or sink full of hot water to rinse out the rags as they get dirty. This will help eliminate pet dander that settles on these surfaces, but it must be done one or two times a week to be effective.

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      Shampoo and steam clean your carpeted surfaces and upholstery three to four times a year as this will remove dog dander that has seeped into the fibers.

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      Invest in a HEPA air cleaner and purifier, one for each key room in your home, if you can afford it. The air cleaner and purifier has a filter that removes many allergens including dog dander from the air.

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      Bathe your dog outside at least twice a week using cool water and an anti-allergen moisturizing dog shampoo. Using a moisturizing shampoo will help lubricate the dog's skin, and the cool water is not as drying as warm or hot water. Reducing skin dryness with the moisturizing shampoo means your dog will produce less dander.

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      Brush your dog daily outside to remove excess hair and shedding undercoat. Removing excess hair that traps dander will not only reduce the dander shed inside the home, but daily brushing stimulates the production of skin oils. Wear your face mask during brushing to avoid breathing in dog hair and dander.

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      Spray anti-allergen dander control spray onto your dog's fur each day between baths. This will moisten any dander in the dog's fur coat and prevent it from being released into the air.