How to Care for 9-Week-Old Pit Bull Puppies

Pit bull puppies are adorable. At 9 weeks, they are ready to explore their world, try new foods, and generally begin their lives as adult dogs. Unfortunately, pit bulls have been the victims of bad breeders, bad owners and bad press. The good news is that you can teach your puppy how to be a goodwill ambassador for his breed, and show the world just how loving pits can be.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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      Socialize, socialize, socialize. The optimum age to give your puppy a lifetime of calm confidence around new people and in strange environments is between 8 and 16 weeks. Take your puppy to the hardware store, the post office, anywhere that doesn't sell food and doesn't have a "no pets" sign in the door.

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      Attend a puppy kindergarten class. Choose a well-organized class taught by a trainer who is not "bully breed" phobic. You want a trainer who will be as positive with your pit puppy as she is with the beagle puppy next to you.

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      Teach that strangers give treats. Always have treats in your pocket when you take your pit puppy on walks. Ask everyone you meet to give him one. In no time, he'll decide that strangers are fun, and that he gets more yummy cookies by being sweet than by being scary.

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      Consider dietary supplements. Pit bulls can vary in size. If your puppy's parents weigh 60 pounds or more, you may want to consider a daily regimen of glucosamine chondroitin, fish oil, vitamin C (non-citrus based) and calcium (spoonful of yogurt or splash of milk in the food) from now until her third birthday. This combination of supplements will help with dense, healthy bone growth now and prevent arthritis later.

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      Never stop training. Since pit bulls are often the target of breed-specific legislation, continue training your dog throughout his life. A well-behaved pit bull with Canine Good Citizen certification or an obedience title is not going to be the one that goads the city council into banning pit bulls from your town.