Tracking Devices for Pets

Tracking devices are designed to help keep your pet safe and with you for years. If something happens and your pet leaves the property or gets away from you, these devices will help reunite you with them. The following information can help you learn about various devices and decide if they are for you and your situation.
  1. Proximity Tracking Alarms

    • If the pet gets out of a designated area, an alarm is sounded and immediately you can go out and retrieve your pet.

    GSM GPS Pro Dog

    • Attach the GPS to your dog's collar and call a number if your pet gets lost. You will receive a message letting you know where your pet can be found.

    Global Pet Finder

    • An alert can be sent to the owner if a pet strays from a certain area or runs away. The location of the pet can also be displayed on certain devices.

    GPS Pet Tracker

    • This is a wireless pager that can alert you of your pet's location by cell phone, email, or a pager. It can also let you know if your pet leaves a specific location.

    Digital Video Cameras

    • These cameras can be attached to your pets collar, so that you can see your pets surroundings and know if he is in the perimeter of your choosing. If he is not, it can help you locate where he is by viewing his surroundings.