How to Name Your Pet

Some pet names are easy to settle on. A chocolate Lab named Cocoa. A Dalmatian named Spot. Other animals present more of a challenge, especially when all family members must agree on the name. Comb through pet name lists and observe your pet's personality to come up with the perfect name.


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      Read through books or online websites that list pet names to find one that appeals to you. Say the names out loud or even to your dog, who may react positively to some and not to others.

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      Find a name that relates to a physical trait, such as Fluff or Pepper. Choose a name that will still be suitable when the pet is grown.

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      Pick a name that suits your pet's personality or relates to an interest of your own. If you love classical music, for example, name your dog Amadeus. If you have a sweet tooth, choose Cupcake as a name.

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      Pick a name that you won't mind saying over and over again. Make sure that it is easy to pronounce and not so unusual that you'll be peppered with questions from strangers during neighborhood walks.