How to Make a Dog Door

One of the many things a dog owner does during the day is to let the dog either into or out of the house a few times. There are times when this can become distracting or a problem when you are trying to get other tasks completed. To solve this problem, you can make a dog door. One of the more convenient locations for a dog door is in an outside entrance door such as a front or rear door. Here's how to do it easily and quickly.

Things You'll Need

  • Level
  • Jigsaw
  • Safety goggles
  • Pencil
  • Thick cardboard
  • Tape measure
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  1. The Measurements

    • 1

      Determine what the size of the opening will be for your dog. If you have multiple dogs, the opening must be large enough for the largest dog. Use a tape measure to measure from the top of your dog's shoulders to the knee joint to find the correct height. Most dogs lower their heads to enter an opening naturally, and the height of the door is low enough for the dog to lift his leg through. Then measure across his back between the shoulder blades and add two inches on either side to determine the width of the opening.

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      Use a thick piece of cardboard and draw your measurements out to form two sides of a square. Draw the other two sides to finish the shape. Cut out the opening and discard the cut-out. The hole in the cardboard should be the size of your dog door. Try to get your largest dog to step through the opening to ensure a good fit: This will allow you to alter the measurements before you cut the actual opening.

    • 3

      Measure the width of the door in which you are installing the dog door. You want to use an entranceway because this provides easier access and is easier to work with. The width measurement will ensure there is enough room when installing the dog door.

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      Take the measurements with you when you pick out the dog door. You will need to choose the right size door for the installation. After you have the door picked out, buy it and plan a time to install it.


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      Get everything you need together. This includes the tools, the cardboard template, the dog door and safety glasses. Find a comfortable padding or small stool. The padding is for you if you kneel while working, while you can use the stool if you prefer to sit: You will want to be comfortable while you work.

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      Mark a spot with your pencil 6 inches from the bottom of the door. Place the template so it lines up along the top of the pencil mark. Mark another spot at the top of the template. Repeat this step for all four corners of the template.

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      Draw a line between the two top markings using a level. Repeat this step for the bottom two markings. Using the level, draw a line down each side. Make sure the level is square when you draw these lines.

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      Drill holes in each of the four corners. These are where you start your jigsaw, inserting the blade into each of the four holes and cutting either down or across to another hole. Cut along the outside of the pencil lines to ensure enough room. Then push out the center to make the hole.

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      Insert the two sides of the dog door into opposite sides of the hole you cut out, making sure each side fits snug and looks even with the other piece. If needed, place thin strips of wood or Styrofoam between the dog door and the entrance door to make a good fit; this also works as insulation.

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      Line up the two sides using the pre-drilled holes at the corners as a guide. Then drill in the four screws which came with the door to complete the assembly.