How to donate DOG HAIR or CAT FUR to make hair mats and booms to CLEAN UP OIL SPILLS

I shave my dogs every couple of months and every time I do I toss the hair in the wooded area behind our house so birds and squirrels can use the hair for their nests. But it's a lot of hair and sometimes it blows around and ends up back at my front door. So I found a better use for all that dog hair!

Things You'll Need

  • dog hair, cat fur, horse hair, wool clippings or any length of human hair
  • the hair can be cut or collected off the brush and can be mixed with other hair
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      Matter of Trust is an organization that collects pet hair to clean up oil spills (I have a link to their site in the RESOURCES section below this article). They weave the hair to make hair mats to absorb oil during oil spills and to use as mats in cages for oiled birds and other animals. They also bag the hair in nylon to make booms which are also used to contain spills (sort of like a sand bag is used to contain water during a flood). Your dog's hair can help this good cause!

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      Just collect your dog's hair or other pet hair and send it to: Matter of Trust Hair Mats Program, c/o San Francisco Carpet Recycling, 1588 Carroll Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124. Just place the hair in a plastic bag and send in any size envelope. The pet hair does not have to be shampooed. They just ask that it's not filthy.

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      Matter of Trust will also take human hair in any length. This is great for someone who wants to donate hair but whose hair is not long enough for other organizations that make wigs for cancer patients (see my other article for human hair donation in the RESOURCES section below).

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      Spread the word to your local pet grooming salons and hair salons. Maybe they would like to donate all their hair scraps to help clean up oil spills too!