How to Keep Dogs Away

Both wild and domesticated dogs are curious creatures. If they find you interesting, they have no problem with approaching and inspecting you. For most people, it is a mild inconvenience or no problem at all. Others are afraid or simply do not like dogs. This article will describe how to keep dogs away from you.


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      Build a fence around your yard. This is the most expensive and drastic measure one could take to keep dogs away, but it is effective. Building a fence costs anywhere from $6 to $14 per foot. Make sure that it is too high for an average-sized dog to jump over and dug deep enough so that dogs cannot dig underneath the fence.

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      Buy a dog repellant of some sort. There are various products on the market, including sprays, motion-activated sprinklers, and high-pitched sound deterrents. Links to various dog repellant products can be found at the end of this article.

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      Talk to the dog owners in your neighborhood. Let them know that you want their dogs to stay away from your yard. Most owners will be happy to keep their pets away from you. Contact animal control if unfamiliar dogs continue to wander through your yard.