How to Build Dog Furniture

Building dog furniture is like building people furniture, expect smaller, in most cases. If you have a large dog, such as a fila brasileiro that weighs 150 lb. or more, you will need to build extra large furniture. Dog furniture can be made from wood or just cloth. If you are building a doghouse, it can be made from a variety of materials such as wood, plastic or metal.


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      Make a dog pillow. Choose a strong cloth material for the dog to sleep on. The material should stand up to the wear and tear of the dog's nails on it. Something thick, such as denim, is recommended. Sew a pillow large enough for your dog out of the material and fill it with stuffing.

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      Make portable stairs so your dog can climb onto things such as the human's bed or a high truck. If you have a large dog that has trouble climbing, or if the truck or other place you want the dog to have access to is just too high, you will need to build steps for the dog. Wood is a good material for this. Patterns to build steps of all sizes are available at big box home improvement stores, as are precut wood pieces to build steps.

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      Build doghouses out of just about anything that is waterproof or that can be waterproofed. Depending on the size of the dog, you can use a 55-gallon barrel turned on its side and propped so that it does not roll. Make sure the barrel is clean, especially if it is used. Wash out the inside with soapy water and a scrub brush, then scrub it a second time with vinegar to remove any residue. Allow the barrel to air-dry. You can also build a metal doghouse if you are handy with a welder. Then you have the most common material used for doghouses---wood. See Resources for how to build a wood doghouse.

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      Build a toy box for your dog out of wood, a laundry basket or a sturdy cardboard box that is decorated. If your dog is a chewer, stick with sturdier materials such as the basket or wood. When building dog furniture, always take into account the size of your dog and whether it is a chewer and use the appropriate materials so that your dog stays safe.