How to Help a Dog That is Afraid of Thunder

A lot of dogs become very nervous at the sound of thunder-and many people are under the impression that nothing can be done about it. But there are actually ways you can help a dog that suffers from this problem. In this article I will outline some steps you can follow to help your fearful dog get through a thunderstorm.

Things You'll Need

  • Ball
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Rescue Remedy
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      Make sure that you are not reinforcing the behavior; that is the first step in dealing with a dog that is afraid of loud noises. Many times, when a dog is nervous around loud noises the owner will see that their dog is shaking and reach down and hug or stroke the dog. This is normal human behavior, to comfort anyone or any thing that we care for when they are afraid; however, by doing so with a nervous dog, we are unintentionally reinforcing the behavior.

      Reinforcement is like gravity. You can jump off the roof, or you can trip and fall off the roof. The result is the same. You can unintentionally reinforce a behavior or you can intentionally reinforce it; the results are the same. Over time, our unintentional reinforcement will make the nervous feelings stronger and stronger. Within a few short weeks the behavior can get strengthened to the point where it is very difficult for your dog to think or do anything else when a loud noise occurs.

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      Act very matter of fact and try to distract your dog by giving a command or getting him interested in a toy. Distraction is a great way to take your dog's mind off the loud noises when they start to occur. If your dog enjoys chasing the ball or playing tug, that can be a great source of distraction.

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      Condition your dog to loud noises with a CD of thunderstorm recordings. You should play this CD on a low setting at first, to where it does not stress your dog. After a week of continuous playing you will gradually increase the volume, again without distressing your dog. You will continue to gradually increase the volume until you can play it loudly without it affecting your dog at all.

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      Purchase Rescue Remedy, which is an all-natural way to help your dog. Rescue Remedy comes in liquid form, which is easy to give to your dog. It is great for dogs that have a difficult time with loud noises and is also good for dogs that get sick in the car. Check your local health food store for this product.

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      Work with your veterinarian if it is an extreme case. A veterinarian can provide pharmaceuticals that will keep your dog calm during thunderstorms, fireworks and any other loud noise situations.