How to Exercise a Dog in Cold Weather

Everyone knows how important exercise is for dogs; dogs can develop serious behavior problems when they don't receive enough exercise. As the temperature drops, some dogs do not get as much exercise as they should. Don't let the cold weather stop you from bringing your best friend outside for a good dose of exercise. Here are some tips for cold weather play.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Warm clothes
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      Make sure that you are properly dressed. Don't go outside until you are properly suited up. Coat, hat, scarf and boots will make the exercise session much more enjoyable.

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      Make sure that your dog is properly dressed. Some dogs can handle the cold weather better than other dogs. Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and Huskies are all dogs that love cold weather and do not need any type of clothing. Smaller breeds and breeds with short coats do need some type of protection if the temperature is frigid. Chihuahuas, Miniature Pinschers and Pit Bulls are examples of dogs that do need some type of protective covering if they are going to be outside for long periods.

      In certain areas it is also a good idea to put booties on your dog's paws, especially if you live in a place with a lot of salt and chemicals used to melt the ice. This prevents dogs from licking their paws after they have walked through areas that have been salted.

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      Depending on the size and age of your dog, the amount of time that you are outside should vary. Dogs that are suited for cold weather can spend hours outside without getting cold. Some of the smaller dogs and younger dogs cannot handle the cold as well. Exercise sessions should be kept shorter for these types of dogs. Keep in eye on your dog to see if he is in any discomfort.

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      Dog daycare is an excellent choice for dogs during cold weather months. Your dog can still get plenty of physical and mental stimulation because they're with other dogs and indoors. Check for one in your area.