How to Defend Against a Dog Attack

Dog attacks aren't as uncommon as you may think, so it's always best to know how to defend yourself against an attack. You can reduce your fear of an attack by knowing exactly how to react if you happen to come face to face with an intimidating beast.


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      Stand extremely still. If a dog begins charging at you, do not run away from him. This will only excite him more, causing him to be even more determined in carrying out his plans. Stand your ground by staring the dog directly in the eye and facing him. Remain calm. If the dog approaches you, continue standing your ground. Screaming at the dog or moving too quickly may be interpreted by the dog as aggressiveness and cause him to attack.

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      If you find that standing still is not working and the dog still attacks, immediately drop to the ground in a fetal position.

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      Cover your head and your face using your forearms.

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      Stay completely still and quiet. It's understandable that you may make some noise when you're being bitten by a dog, but loud noises and sudden movements will excite him because he will sense your fear. This will cause him to attack with more intensity.

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      Play dead. Once the dog thinks that he has completed his mission (killing his prey), he should back off. When you see that he is completely out of sight, slowly get up and very carefully, walk somewhere to call for help.

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      Consider carrying a stun gun in case of a dog attack. You can purchase a stun gun at your local hardware store.