How to Dominate an Alpha Dog

Understanding how a dog relates within its pack can help you become the alpha in your home. Often misconstrued as a physical dominance, "alpha" actually refers to the individual in charge of the resources within the pack. The pack member who controls the foodand the choice of sleeping location is the alpha. Rather than acting as a dictator over the other pack members, the alpha serves as a role model, guardian and leader. To secure this role in your human-dog pack, you must practice simple activities consistently.


    • 1

      Train your dog in basic obedience. Classes are offered through local pet stores, private trainers and some cities' community affairs departments. Knowing commands such as "sit," "down," "stay," "leave it" and "drop it" will serve you well in your leadership role. Continue to practice these commands throughout your dog's lifetime to reinforce your alpha position.

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      Require your dog to sit before allowing it to eat its meals. Begin with the food bowl on the counter and tell the dog to sit. When the dog complies, place the food on the floor and release the dog to eat simultaneously. With time, require the dog to hold the sit for 10 to 30 seconds after you've placed the food on the floor. This exercise shows your dog that you control its food supply.

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      Permit your dog to enter or exit the house only on your command. When the dog expresses a desire to go outside, tell the dog to sit before opening the door and releasing it from the command.

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      Play games that do not result in a win or a loss. Fetch, disc throw and hide and seek are neutral games you can play with your dog. Tug-of-war encourages your dog to work against you and can lead to dominant behavior.

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      Groom your dog regularly, regardless of the needs of its coat. By brushing and cleaning your dog often, it learns to accept your touch anywhere without fear or a defensive reaction.

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      Express your affection through attention and petting on your terms. Harassing you until you pet it is a dominant trait in your dog. Overcome this by requiring a "sit" or a "down" before showing any affection. Physically remove yourself from your dog if it jumps on you for attention. Even yelling at your dog in this instance serves as the attention it wants. Only respond to your dog when it calms down and responds to a command from you.