How to deal with your neighbor's barking dog

Is that dog across the way driving you crazy? Are you losing sleep at night from excessive barking and it's not even your dog? Well, believe it or not, there are steps you can take to remedy the situation. All of them are completely legal.

Things You'll Need

  • pen/pencil
  • notebook
  • camera (possibly)
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      Communicate: The first step to solving any problem is to try and talk to your neighbor (nicely) about the problem. Be polite, it's works better than getting angry. If you absolutely cannot bring yourself to talk to them in person, you can get their "wheels" turning by leaving an anonymous note on their door. Be sure to be polite in this as well and never threaten to do anything. A simple way to say it is: Dear Neighbor, Your dog's barking is interrupting my sleep and/or work. Please do something about your barking dog. Not knowing who left the note will get their attention just fine without any threats. If you can talk with your neighbors, the next step will be even easier to accomplish.

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      Investigate: All dogs bark for a variety of reasons. Attention, separation anxiety, rabbits and squirrels, strangers, etc. If you can determine what the reason is for the dog's barking you can point it out to your neighbor. If you still can't talk to them directly, you can use the note method again. Remember to be polite and concise. Dear Neighbor, I have noted that your dog barks at school children in the mornings when I am trying to sleep before I go to work. Please take your dog in at that time. Again, do not threaten in any way, that would be illegal and could land you in a lot of hot water.

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      Document: Use your notebook to document all that you do and especially the times and dates that the dog barks. Be specific. Don't just write that the dog barks "all the time". If you have to go to court against your neighbor, the judge will want exact information. You can use a camera or camcorder where necessary, just don't aim for any of other peoples windows and respect privacy laws.