How to Adopt an Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound is a small companion dog, bred as family companions for many years. This history, however, has not spared them from the need to be adopted. Countless Italian greyhounds are abandoned every year, and adopting one can be an extremely rewarding experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Crate
  • Grooming supplies
  • Dog food
  • Water and food bowls
  • Collar and lead
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    • 1

      Contact adoption organizations in your area to see if they have any Italian greyhounds available. The Italian Greyhound Club of America keeps a listing of active rescue organizations you can try.

    • 2

      Dog-proof your home. Introducing an Italian greyhound into your home can be just as challenging as having a toddler, and you need to secure your home appropriately. Make sure that all harmful substances are out of reach and that you secure all stairways.

    • 3

      Visit your local animal shelters, veterinarian's offices and rescues to convey your interest in adopting an Italian greyhound. Leave current contact information so that they can get in touch with you should a dog become available.

    • 4

      Evaluate any dog you might be interested in adopting in his current environment. You want to evaluate the dog for temperament and personality to ensure that the dog will be a good fit in your home. Sign any contracts or required paperwork at this time, so that your Italian greyhound is legally yours.

    • 5

      Set up an appointment with your vet to examine your new greyhound. Your vet will check the dog over to make sure she is free of any diseases and parasites and will administer any necessary vaccines.

    • 6

      Put your new Italian greyhound in a private room away from the rest of the pets in your household. Quarantining any new dog will give him a chance to settle in and allow you to evaluate him in your home.

    • 7

      Settle the new dog in with a variety of toys and treats to keep her comfortable and calm. Feed and water her once she is hungry and allow her out to potty.

    • 8

      Introduce your new dog to the rest of your household slowly. New dogs can be shy, so allow everyone to meet at his or her own pace. Offer plenty of comfort and praise to make sure everyone gets along well with your newly adopted Italian greyhound.