How to Keep a Chihuahua Warm

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed. They hail from warm, sunny Mexico (they were named after the state of Chihuahua, where they are believed to have originated), and Mother Nature did not equip them to deal naturally with cold temperatures. Given their tiny size and short coat, it's not silly to put a winter coat on a Chihuahua when taking one outside in winter--it's necessary. Chihuahuas have a higher body temperature and a higher metabolism than most other dogs, and need to be kept warm in order to be healthy and happy.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft blankets
  • Heating pad
  • Dog sweaters and coats
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      Many people notice their Chi has the cute habit of burrowing into blankets and making his own little nest to sleep in. The dogs do this primarily to stay warm. Provide soft fleece or wool blankets for your Chihuahua, as well as a soft dog bed. Pet stores carry fleece dog blankets, and fleece can also be bought cheaply in fabric stores. Or you can use baby blankets.

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      Give your Chihuahua a heating pad if you keep your home on the cool side. Dog and cat beds are available with built-in heating pads. A regular heating pad works well, too, if covered with a soft blanket. If the pad has settings, keep it on the lowest heat. If your Chi is a puppy or prone to chewing cords, a heating pad can be dangerous, but once Chihuahuas are past the teething stage, they don't tend to be chewers.

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      Put a sweater or coat on your Chihuahua when going outside in temperatures lower than 50 degrees. Dog sweaters aren't merely fashionable and cute, they are also necessary to keep your Chi warm in cool temperatures. Look for sweaters or coats that are not too tight: In order to be most effective, doggie clothing should be slightly loose, to allow warm air to circulate between the dog's skin and the fabric.

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      Put snow boots on your Chihuahua when taking walks in snowy, icy weather. Chihuahuas enjoy walks and outside exercise, and will be much more comfortable if their feet are warm and dry. Dogs' feet can easily be irritated by salt or ice melt, and booties will protect a Chihuahua's thin-skinned feet from both the cold and harsh chemicals.

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      Dry your Chihuahua promptly if he gets wet playing outside, or after a bath. Wet dogs lose body heat quickly, and can easily get a chill. To quickly warm a cold, wet dog, rub her ears and belly dry first, since this is where the blood supply is closest to the skin.

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      If your Chihuahua goes outside to do his business, keep an area shoveled free of snow. The dogs are so small that even a few inches of snow can make it uncomfortable for them to squat.

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      Consider litter or wee-wee-pad training if you live in an area with long, bitterly cold winters. Chihuahuas are easily trained to use an indoor potty area. Take yours to the designated area frequently, after eating, playing and waking up. Praise him lavishly for appropriate behavior. This is a perfectly viable option for very small dogs; many people who live in apartments litter-train their toy-breed dogs, just like a cat.