How to Sponsor an American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) Event

Sponsoring a dog show or event is a good way to meet other dog owners in your area. The American Bully Kennel Club, or ABKC, sanctions events all over the world. Sponsoring an event in your area can give positive publicity to the American Bully and to your kennel.


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      Pick a tentative date and location for the event. Find out about the requirements to rent the building for a dog event. Keep in mind that most dog shows are held on Saturday.

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      Contact ABKC (see Resources) to find out what judges are available to judge the confirmation show in your area. Get the names and contact information for all of the possibilities. You will need to contact them to work out the final arrangements for the show. While you are on the ABKC website, read the rules for ABKC sanctioned events. These rules are in place to protect the people and dogs at the show. Proper behavior is essential to show the public that the American Bully is a gentle breed.

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      Talk to the animal control service in your area. In some areas, there may be a limit to the number of dogs that you can have participate in the event. In addition, you may need to have a permit or license in order to hold the event.

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      Advertise the event once the details have been finalized. Email other kennels in your area, consider using MySpace and put ads in the newspaper. Advertise in dog and bully magazines.

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      Hire a crew. You need security, a clean up crew and people to work the concession stand at a minimum. It may seem easy to say that owners have to clean up after the dogs, but having a clean up crew will ensure that everything stays sanitary.

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      Offer pre registration for kennels that want booth space and owners who want to reserve a spot in case too many people show up. Consider offering discounts to people who pre register.

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      Stay available. It is important for you to be available before the show and the day of the show.