How to Catch a Runaway Dog

Your dog has gotten out of the yard or house. It can be extremely difficult capturing your dog because most dogs, once they have successfully made an escape, do not want to come back right away. If you immediately step into action and follow the following tips, you will increase the chances of catching your dog before he has the opportunity to get too far away.


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      Do not chase after her. Most dogs will think it's a game or a challenge if you chase them and this can make them run faster and you will lose track of her location.

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      Open the gate or the front door and try to coax the dog back inside. Get some food or a dog treat and try to entice the dog into coming for it. If your dog likes to fetch, you could throw his ball or bone inside the gate or through the door to see if he'll go after it. Do not stand too close to the gate or door during this process because that will make him aware that you intend to close it behind him.

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      Get in your car and keep track of the dog's location. If your dog enjoys car rides, you may be able to coax him into the car with a dog treat. Do not leave the car; he will not come to you.

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      Keep someone positioned near an open gate or door for 30 minutes after the dog has escaped. Dogs will often get tired or scared, particularly if they are not familiar with the neighborhood, and will run back home and go through the gate or door on their own.