How to Keep a Dog Cool in the Car

Leaving a dog in a car during hot weather is never a good idea, as the temperature inside can raise as much as 30 degrees each minute. But taking our dogs along for a ride is as enjoyable for us as it is for them, and if you are responsible and keep a few tips in mind, you can keep your dog cool and safe while out for a cruise.

Things You'll Need

  • Air conditioning
  • Large water bottle
  • Water dish
  • Cooling pad
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      Make sure your dog gets plenty of cool air while riding in the car, placing him next to an open window or letting him chill in front of an air conditioning vent. Remember that dogs do not have the ability to sweat through the skin like humans do, and cannot shed their fur if they get hot. If you feel warm, your dog is most likely extremely uncomfortable.

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      Keep a large bottle of water and a dish in the car, allowing your dog to drink as often as possible. Make sure that the water is kept in a shaded area and/or near an air conditioning vent to keep it cool. Additionally, if the weather is particularly hot, you might consider freezing the bottle of water before you go for a ride in the car. While the fear of getting your car wet and smelling like dog may be more than you can handle, a hot dog will love a quick splash from the water bottle as well.

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      Park your car in the shade with the windows rolled down if you must stop the vehicle. However, remember that leaving your dog alone in a parked car when the weather is warm is extremely dangerous. Even parked in the shade, quickly raising temperatures can become deadly in a little as 10 minutes. Whenever possible, take your dog with you on your errand or run errands with another person who can stand with the dog outside while waiting.

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      Purchase a special cooling pad, available at most pet stores. These pads can be placed on the back seat of your car for your dog to rest on, keeping her belly and body cool as she enjoys the ride.