How to Remain Calm Around Aggressive Dogs

Most people get a little nervous or anxious around aggressive dogs but it is important to stay calm. When your dog shows aggression correct it immediately before it escalates and gets out of control. Watch for aggressive signs such as becoming tense, staring, raising hackles, growling and lifting its lips or lung at people or dogs.


    • 1

      Let your dog know who is the alpha dog or the pack leader. If you adopt a puppy or an adult dog, it is important to teach and establish leadership right from the start. You don't want a spoiled dog, one that runs the household or one that scares you and your family members.

    • 2

      Create a sound to use with your dog. Use this sound when you want to quickly get control of an aggressive situation. This sound will let your dog know that you expect something from him.

    • 3

      Make sure you exit the house before your dog when going outside for a walk. Never leave the house when your dog is not in a calm submissive state. You may have to repeat this task of bringing him in and out of the door a few times but he will eventually understand what you want. Keep yourself a step ahead of your dog when walking. The lead dog is always the pack leader.

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      Change any bad eating habits. Do not feed your dog in the kitchen, or if you do make sure you eat before feeding him. If you notice when watching wildlife programs and animals in their natural surroundings the leader will always eat first and the others will wait until he has finished and moved away.

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      Praise or reprimand your dog quickly. When praising, speak warmly but not at length. If it is necessary to reprimand him do it quickly, forgive him and move on.

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      Make your dog obey the first time you ask. If he refuses apply a firm touch or the sound mentioned in Step 2. Give and deny permission to your dog.

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      Practice the sit and stay command as a way of calming your dog by bringing him to a location in your home and telling him to stay. If he follows you send or bring him back and make him sit and wait for your command. He will change his aggressive behavior if you refuse to allow it.