How to Clean Up a Dog's Vomit While in the Car

Cleaning up after a dog in the car is difficult, no matter what type of mess he makes. But vomit poses additional problems, because it is highly acidic. If not cleaned quickly and properly, it can change the color of your seat or floor.


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      Pull the car off the road as soon as it is safe to do so. Choose an area to pull over where you will safely have room to leave the car doors open while you are cleaning.

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      Get out of the car. Take the dog out of the car if you are prepared to do so. When taking your dog in the car you should always have her leash with you. It is also a good idea to keep a ground stake in your trunk in case you want to tie the dog up. If you have a way to tie the dog's leash while you clean the vomit do so. Otherwise, you have to put the dog back in the car and work around her.

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      Use cardboard or other stiff material to scoop up the vomit if it is thick and chunky or otherwise looks scoopable. Take two pieces of cardboard and approach the vomit from both sides and underneath. Use one piece of cardboard to scoop the vomit onto the other piece.

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      Put the vomit that you scooped up into a plastic bag and tie it well. You need to keep it in the car until you get to a trashcan and throw it away.

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      Wipe up the rest of the mess with a towel, blanket, or crumpled up newspapers. Put your used towel or newspapers into another plastic bag and tie that up too to keep the smell in.

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      Cover the remains of the vomit with newspapers or a blanket until you can get to your destination and finish cleaning it. You don't want your dog sitting in it and spreading it around the car.

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      Clean the area well as soon as you get some place where you have access to water and supplies. Use warm water, a good carpet shampoo and a scrubbing brush to clean with. After cleaning, spray the area with a solution of vinegar and water to remove odors. Use one part vinegar to three parts water.