How to Be a Dog Psychic

Many dog owners now look to dog psychics to explore their pet's innermost thoughts and desires. A good dog psychic can charge several hundred dollars per session, which can add up quickly. If you want to be a dog psychic, you don't need a formal education or training; all you need is a love of animals and a good understanding of why animals behave the way they do.


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      Listen to the problem at hand. Most of the time, a pet owner hires a dog psychic to help deal with a specific issue or behavioral problem, so it's imperative that you listen closely to the owner's claims. Often, you'll begin to notice patterns or problems that come up in the owner's personal accounts. Feel free to ask questions to get more details if you need them.

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      Observe the dog in his environment. Dog psychics make house calls, so it's very important that you can watch the dog interact on its home turf. Sit quietly to the side, away from all the action, and see how the dog interacts with the rest of the family. You may begin to notice certain behaviors of the owner that could be affecting the way the dog behaves.

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      Understand her need to be part of the pack. The pack mentality is one of the strongest driving forces in a dog's behavior. If the dog doesn't see her owner as a strong pack leader, she may act out to gain the upper hand. She may feel uncomfortable and insecure because she's a follower with no real leader.

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      Ask questions about the dog's health. One of the important things to remember if you want to be a dog psychic is that you must ask the right questions. After meeting a client, find out if the dog is experiencing any health problems. Poor or fast weight gain, lack of sleep, medications and illness could all affect the way a dog behaves. Some problems could be treated by a quick visit to the veterinarian.