How to Teach a Dog to Sing

If you've ever been to a dog park, you've probably noticed that all it takes is a friendly neighborhood siren to get certain dogs to start howling along in unison. Yup, dogs like to sing. So why not teach your dog to do it at home? All you have to do is get the ball rolling by singing first. Don't be shy; just remember the whole unconditional love thing and that your dog won't judge you. And if you're a frustrated songster/songstress--but never had the guts to perform before a live audience--here's your shot. The following are ways to get your dog to sing.


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      Look at your dog and start singing in a high-pitched voice without words. For instance, "la la la la" or "ha ha ha ha" in an operatic fashion. Think Julie Andrews in "The Sound of Music:" "Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo." Keep doing it until you get the dog to howl along.

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      Sing a song with words if you had no luck the other way. Stretch out the notes and repeat different words over and over until there's a response. If there's still no response, keep changing the tone and repeating words.

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      Howl at your dog if singing doesn't work. A good time might be when other dogs in the neighborhood start barking or howling. Your dog might join in just to be part of the pack.

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      Reward Fido with praise and treats for being mama or papa's little songbird.