Have your dog lie on a soft, firm surface such as a rug or mat. You can place a small dog on your lap. Start with several soft, slow strokes from head to tail. When your dog begins to relax, scratch gently behind his ears and move around the face, under the chin, over the nose, between the eyes and over the head. Rub each ear between your thumb and forefinger.
Straddle your dog by standing over her, but don't sit on her. Using three fingers, move slowly over the neck, shoulders, and chest in a small, circular motion.
With three fingers, softly massage from the buttock to the thigh and down the leg all the way to the paw. Do the front and back of each leg, working your way from top to bottom and then bottom to top.
Place your thumb and index finger on each side of the spine and "walk" toward the base of the tail and then the outside of each thigh. Finish up with several soft, slow strokes from head to tail.
Massage the muzzle to help a restless dog who barks and chews to relieve tension. Sit on the floor or on a chair and have your dog sit in between your feet. Support the dog's jaw with one hand while making small circles on the muzzle and jaw with the fingers of your other hand. Gently move the skin in a clockwise direction to form a full circle, then take your hand off and do another circle next to it.