How to Pet a Dog

Whether you are a dog owner yourself or your neighbor is, chances are you have the opportunity to greet several of our canine friends each week. You should remember these tips when petting a new dog, or even your family pet, and pass the tips along to teach children responsible and gentle pet care.


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      Ask permission. If the dog is not yours, get the okay from the owner to touch the dog. Then you need to get the dog's permission, do this by slowly extending your hand for the dog to sniff. This is a courtesy to the dog and a good way to see if he wants the attention right now.

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      Stroke the dog gently and with short even caresses. Start along his back expanding from his neck to his rump and along his ribs. Do not grab or pull at his tail.

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      Rub him behind his ears. If he is into this, he will lean his head into your hand and pretty much guide you to where he wants to be patted and scratched.

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      Rolling over onto his back and exposing his chest is a great sign that he wants his belly rubbed. Once again pat and rub where there is fur, but stay away from the private areas. Petting the dog is a good way to make kind, human contact and help the dog become content and happy. It might just relax or make you feel a little better too.