How to Become a Pet Psychic

For those who have a natural gift of clairvoyance, telepathy or other psychic abilities, finding a way to become a pet psychic can be rewarding. For those who love animals and have a sixth sense about how to communicate with them it can be a good career choice.


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      Start small. Begin with your own pets and move on to the pets of friends and relatives. When you can successfully interpret their feelings and impressions to improve their relationships with their owners you are on the path to becoming a pet psychic.

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      Find a workshop or course. There tend to be workshops or conferences with traveling pet psychics. They are either selling a book or doing a tour to do psychic readings from the actual pet or a picture of the pet. Talk to someone who is currently a professional and pick their brain about the process.

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      Take tests. Feeling a connection to your own pet and having the ability to communicate with one that lives with you may be easier than connecting to others. Testing your psychic ability can help you determine if your powers are strong enough to market.

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      Open yourself to stimuli. When trying to interpret their feelings or communicate with pets, it is important to open yourself to their minds. The human mind is usually awash with many thoughts at once and in order to take in outside input you need to quiet the mind of idle chatter and relax. When trying to become a pet psychic, you must take control of your own mind in order to read the minds of your four-legged friends.

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      Advertise your specialty. Some pet psychics have a keen connection to cats or dogs, not both. If you have a particular animal that you have more of a connection to, advertise this. Put informational fliers up around local shelters, dog parks and veterinary offices. Give out your phone number or email address for people to contact you for your services.

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      Publish your accomplishments. Spread the word regarding your successes in your line of work. Write down your stories and have those that you have helped write down what you were able to help them accomplish. Once you can publish your success stories, touring the country or your region can be helped with getting the word out.