How to Walk a Dog in the Snow

If your dog is active and use to being walked daily, you should continue this routine even once the weather turns. A well-exercised dog lives longer and suffers from fewer health problems. Walking a dog can also expend any pent-up energy that he may have.


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      Place your dog in a sweater. To keep your pet warm during the walk, you may want to dress him in insulating dog wear.

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      Keep the walks short. Winter walks should not be as long as summer strolls. A couple of times around the block should suffice.

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      Put the dog on a leash. Dogs can lose their scent in the snow, so should be kept on a leash for the duration of the walk.

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      Stay close to home or your vehicle. If your dog shows signs of suffering from the cold weather, you need to be close enough to return him quickly to a warm location.

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      Wipe his paws after the walk. This removes any ice that has stuck to the bottom of his paws. Take a towel and wipe them down thoroughly to prevent frostbite. It also removes sidewalk salt, a substance that can burn his feet.