How to Get a Dog an Agent

You love your dog, but you also think the rest of your the world could love your dog too. He knows how to sit, beg, stay, roll over, maybe he even does some special tricks. Well if you think your dog is ready for the movies, here are some tips to help get him an agent.


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      Get him groomed. Your dog needs to look his absolute best when putting together a package to send an agent. Make sure his hair is trimmed, eyes and teeth are clean, the coat is brushed, nails clipped, and add a little something cute around his neck. Bows or bandannas are great ideas.

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      Take pictures or film Fido. You'll be searching for a dog agent by sending out exploratory packets. The picture and video portion is the most important. Snap a few dog pictures, and film Fido being obedient to your commands. This is crucial as there are a million cute dogs, but they must know commands. Don't worry about teaching Fido every command in the book; they just want to see if your dog is trainable. Then if they are interested, they will use their own trainers.

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      Write a bio. This will give you a chance to introduce yourself and your dog and tell a little about your dog's personality and why you think he would be great for movies and TV. Remember to be polite, upbeat and don't drone on forever. A page is more than sufficient.

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      Look for agents. This is best done online. There is film production all over the country. Search for a dog agent in your area as that is the most realistic shot you have of not only landing an agent, but having Fido work in films and TV. If you live in Hollywood, check out or Both of these companies are very reputable and have put their animals to work in many movies.

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      Mail your packet, including the bio, pictures and video of your dog to the agent from the info you found on their website.

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      Follow-up. Wait a few weeks, if you don't hear, don't fret. Be proactive, call, be polite, ask if they've received your materials. Encourage them to take a look at your packet if they haven't and then offer to let them meet your dog so they can get friendly with Fido's great personality. Don't get discouraged, it only takes one "yes" to get the ball rolling.