How to Introduce a Dog to a Cat

Introducing a dog to a cat can be a tricky process for owners. A dog's prey drive can make him chase after a cat and a cat can severely injure a dog's eye by swiping at it with a sharp claw. The best advice on introducing a dog to a cat is to take it slow and give the two time to get used to each other.


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      Let the dog and cat smell each other's bedding or other items before doing an in person introduction. You can also put the dog and the cat on separate sides of a door for a period of time so that they can get used to each other's smell before being in the same room together. Put a baby gate up with the door closed and gradually open the door a little for short periods of time so that the dog and cat can see each other.

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      Master basic training with your dog. Proper dog training will make the introduction much smoother and safer.

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      Give your dog a "sit" or "down" command and a "stay" command. Reinforce this with treats or other rewards. With a dog in a collar and leash, have another person enter the room with the cat and quietly sit with the cat on the other side of the room. Repeat this step until both the dog and the cat are tolerating each other's presence without signs of fear or aggression.

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      Move the dog and the cat closer together. The dog should still be on a leash and the cat can be held quietly or placed in a crate or carrier. Reward the dog for remaining in a "stay" position and put him back into the position if he moves. If the cat seems scared, increase the distance between them.

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      Stop any of the dog's attempts to bark at or chase the cat. This is easiest if you leave the training collar and leash on the dog for their initial times together unrestrained. Praise the dog and give her treats when she is calm and obedient in the cat's presence.

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      Keep the dog and the cat separated when they are not being supervised. Some animals will eventually be able to be left alone together, but the cat should always have a place to go to get away from the dog.

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      Feed the pets in separate areas which will ensure that they are each getting the food designed for them and that there are no issues with food. If possible, put the cat's food and litter box in either an elevated place away from the dog or in a separate room that the dog can't get into. A baby gate can be placed in a doorway so that the cat can enter but the dog cannot.