How to Help a Dog Adjust to the Death of Another Pet

Dogs won't grieve the loss of a family pet like humans, however, for some it may take adusting. And as with humans, some will take longer than others. But however long it takes, there are ways to help them through and these tips should get you started.


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      Keep your dog's routine as normal as possible. This should help ease the confusion and the sense that something is missing, which she may be feeling.

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      Make sure your dog is active both mentally and physically, especially if he seems lethargic or depressed. Give him stimulating toys to play with, take him on long walks, outings in the car and to the dog park.

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      Give your dog extra attention and affection. Create a daily ritual for her to look forward to, such as a brushing or massage.

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      Get another pet when you feel that you and your dog are ready. There is no right or wrong amount of time; it varies by individual situation.