How to Provide Help for Homeless Pets

Millions of pets are abandoned or left homeless every year. There are many ways that you can help homeless pets. Shelters and rescue organizations are always looking for donations and volunteers. You can also consider adopting a homeless pet yourself. Read on to learn how to help homeless pets.


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      Adopt a homeless pet. Many animals are abandoned or lost each year. Help one homeless pet at a time by adopting one and giving it a new home. Visit the Petfinder website or your local shelter for pets up for adoption.

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      Foster a homeless pet until a shelter is able to find the animal a new home. Many rescues are in need of short-term housing for abandoned pets. Provide a place for them in your home while the shelter seeks permanent homes. You can also participate in helping to train and socialize homeless pets.

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      Volunteer at a local animal shelter or rescue organization. Shelters need people to help feed, exercise and clean up after homeless pets. You can also help by doing office work, repairs or other tasks at the shelter. Some shelters require that you go through some training before working with the animals.

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      Donate money or goods to a local shelter. Caring for homeless pets and providing them with food and care is an expensive endeavor. You can help shelters by donating money or by donating goods that they may need including dog toys, crates or food. Always check to see what the shelter needs before donating goods. Ask about sponsoring a particular animal if you can't adopt her.

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      Attend a fund raiser for a local shelter or rescue organization that helps homeless pets. Each organization will sponsor different events aimed at raising money. These can range from fancy dinners to races to parties. Visit your local shelter for more information on upcoming events. You may even want to help plan or organize the event.

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      Talk to others about helping homeless pets. Encourage those who are looking for new pets to consider adopting an animal from a shelter. Inform friends and family members about shelter fund raisers and events.