How to Fight Off a Dog

It is true that dogs are often man's best friend, but occasionally a loud noise, a threatening motion or an unintentional trespassing of his territory can spark something in a dog that will send him into a fury. If you are ever in a situation where you need to fight off a dog, remember these steps to ensure your safety.

Things You'll Need

  • Jacket, shirt or blanket
  • Backpack, stick or any sizeable object
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      Keep your calm. It may sound overrated and ridiculous to stay calm when little Sassy or big Thunder is clamped down on your ankle, growling like a maniac canine, but the calmer you can keep yourself, the less threatened the dog will feel and the more likely he is to back off. Flailing your arms, screaming or attempting to run away will only encourage the dog's anxiety.

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      Distract the dog. Throw a jacket, blanket, shirt-anything-over the dog's face to instantly deflate the situation and distract him long enough for you to gain control. If you don't have anything to throw over him, try to get someone else to do so. Putting something between you and the dog, like a stick or a backpack, will also help you protect yourself.

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      Physically remove the dog. If someone else is with you, have them pull the dog off of you by his hind legs. Reaching for the collar instead of the back legs is dangerous because their hands become an easy target for the dog to snap at or, worse, bite.

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      Escape the dog's grip. If the dog is clamped down on your sleeve, try to pull your arm out of the sleeve and pull the whole shirt off your body so the dog is left with just the shirt. This will either confuse him long enough for you to get away or you can now use the shirt to throw over his head.

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      Report the incident. If the dog's owner is present make sure they are aware of what happened. If you are injured, exchange contact information in case any medical consequences result. If the dog appears to be a stray, contact your local police department or dog warden so they can make sure the dog is contained to ensure the safety of others.