How to Get a Seeing Eye Dog for a Blind Person

A dog may be considered "man's best friend," but a blind person is a "seeing eye dog's best friend." The love and devotion a seeing eye dog gives to its master is nothing short of amazing. Here is how to get a seeing eye dog and change the life of your blind relative or friend forever.


    • 1

      Find a good seeing eye dog program. Call local agencies that assist blind people, ask friends that also have blind family members and research the schools. Each has their own philosophy and they rely on donations, so make sure you pick the right school. Returning a seeing eye dog that does not work out can be a heart wrenching event.

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      Fill out an application, which can be found on the school's Web site or mailed to you. You will be asked questions about the blind person's lifestyle, including how often he travels, degree of independence while traveling and ability to pay for taking care of the dog, including food and veterinary bills.

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      Expect an interview with a training specialist after the application has been accepted. This can be in person or by phone. The purpose is to further define the blind person's needs and to be able to match her needs with the right dog.

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      Wait for the school to determine which dog would be the best match for the blind person. Sometimes there is a waiting period for the "right dog."

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      Start training once that special dog is found. The blind person goes to the training facility to develop a bond with the dog and to start training the dog to obey his commands. The blind person can expect to be at the school for approximately one month.