How to Keep a Dog From Running Away

While many dogs enjoy spending time with their families, dogs also like to roam. If your dog runs away from your home to chase other small animals or simply run around your neighborhood, it can be a scary thing. An unsupervised dog can easily be hit by a vehicle, taken to an animal shelter or even stolen by someone who wants a pet without paying for it. You could also be liable for damage or harm your dog may do while it is running free. Keep your dog from running away from your home or yard by taking appropriate measures.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Try to understand the reason your dog runs away from home. For some dogs, a lack of exercise could be the cause. If you don't give your dog the recommended time of exercise per day for its breed, it could cause the dog to seek exercise on its on. Walk your dog for at least 30 minutes a day and see if the dog will stay home.

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      Teach your dog a command, such as "stay" or "stop," that means that the dog should stop when it is beginning to run away. Practice with the dog by asking it to "stop" when it is walking, then giving it a treat each time it stops. Over time, the dog will understand what you are asking of it. However, if your dog is running away because it is chasing a small animal or seeking a female dog, a command likely will not work.

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      Install a fence in your yard. If you don't like the look of the fence, opt for an underground electrical fence. The dog will wear a collar that will begin to beep when it approaches the fence. If the dog crosses it, it will receive an electrical charge. The dog will learn to pay attention to the beep and move away from the fence. Some people shy away from this option, as they believe it could hurt the dog. Talk to your veterinarian about electronic fencing first. Another option is to install a wooden or metal fence. Make sure that the fence is high enough so that the dog can't jump over it, while being low enough to the ground so that it cannot crawl underneath it. If your dog likes to dig, you might need to pour a concrete trench beneath the fence to prevent it from digging its way out.

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      Build a dog run or a kennel in your backyard. These are usually constructed using chain link fencing and give the dog plenty of room to run around and play, but do not let it have free reign of your entire yard. This is a good option if you do not like the look of fencing your entire yard.