How to Name Your Dog

Others will see your dog's name as a reflection of the dog's personality or even your own. Choose wisely, but have fun, too.

Things You'll Need

  • New Puppy Kits
  • Puppy Treats
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    • 1

      Keep the name short, preferably one or two syllables. This will be easier for your dog to learn and remember.

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      Choose from a plethora of the usual dog names: Spot, Patch, Poochie, Rover ... or, for the ultimate in typical canine titles, Dog - pronounced "dawg."

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      Match the name to your dog's personality. A noble hound may be fit to be King; a timid pooch may solicit the name Fluffy.

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      Bestow upon your dog the honor of being named after your favorite food: Brownie, Sugar, Cream Puff.

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      Express your sense of humor. Christen your happy Lab Spike, your perpetually growling bulldog Cuddles, or your Great Dane Tim (as in Tiny Tim).

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      Go the creative route. Take your canine companion's name from the title of your favorite book, your current or a past lover, the name of your favorite actor, a line from your favorite song, the street where you grew up.