Things You'll Need
- Yellow Pages
- Telephones
- Dog Beds
- Dog Bones
- Dog Dishes
- Dog Food
- Dog Leashes
- Dog Tags
- Dog Toys
- Dog Treats
- Muzzles
- Local Newspapers
- Fliers
Check for dog tags.
Ask around the immediate area in case the dog lives nearby.
Leave the dog in the area and call the animal shelter if you're uncomfortable taking him home.
Call the animal shelter and humane society to report a found dog if you do take the dog home.
Give the dog food, water and a place to rest.
Check the newspaper for any lost dog reports. Check frequently.
Keep the dog until the owner is found or take the dog to the appropriate agency after 24 hours.
Stay in contact with agencies, hang fliers and place ads in local newspapers if you decide to keep the dog in your home.