What does COSEWIC stand for and what it do?

COSEWIC stands for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

COSEWIC is an independent expert panel of scientists, academics and government personnel that assesses the status of wild Canadian species and sub-species, and designates them as follows*:

EXTIRPATED: When the last member of a wildlife species is no longer found in Canada.

ENDANGERED: When the level of a species’ decline places them in danger of extinction.

THREATENED: When a wildlife species is likely to become endangered if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its decline.

SPECIAL CONCERN: When a wildlife species is particularly sensitive to human activities or natural events, but not yet endangered or threatened.

NOT AT RISK: When the conservation status of a wildlife species does not fall within the other categories.

*Please note that “risk of extinction” for these species is defined in the COSEWIC Wildlife Species Assessment Process.