What must you have in a book review?

Title: The title of the book being reviewed.

Author: The name of the author of the book.

Genre: The genre of the book (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc.).

Publication Date: The date the book was published.

Publisher: The name of the publisher of the book.

ISBN: The International Standard Book Number of the book.

Summary: A brief summary of the book's plot or main argument.

Analysis: A critical analysis of the book's strengths and weaknesses, including the author's writing style, character development, plot development, themes, etc.

Conclusion: A brief summary of the reviewer's overall opinion of the book and whether or not they would recommend it to others.

Rating: A rating of the book, typically on a scale of 1-5 stars or A-F.

Review Date: The date the book review was written.

Reviewer's Name: The name of the person who wrote the book review.